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Planning the Garden: A Self-Paced Workshop on CD

*** NOTE: The Planning the Garden CD is being updated and not available for purchase at this time ***

What People Say About the Planning the Garden CD

seedlingsGrowing your own vegetables is an important step towards good health for you and your family. It might not seem like much but together, we can make a significant difference to our environment. A bit of careful planning and design work will help you avoid many problems in the garden. It’s important to look at these things before you even get your hands dirty.

The first step isn’t always the easiest, especially when it comes to learning how to garden organically. Attending a practical organic gardening workshop may be what is required to set you on your way to being a successful organic gardener if you are having trouble figuring out where to start. If you need the information sooner than we host our on-farm workshops, the Planning the Garden workshop on CD is the perfect starting point.

My purpose of producing this workshop was to share information with you about planning the garden when you most need it and outline it in such a way that you don’t have to read an entire book to figure out what you need to do to plan for a successful gardening season.

Anyone can grow a vegetable garden, but to grow one extremely well, you need to plan ahead. If you think about it, most of the things that we do successfully, we take the time to plan for it. We make lists, we outline what we want to do, we figure out how much time it will take, how much it will cost, we assess the process, then we move forward to make it happen. This workshop will hopefully help you plan for a successful gardening season!

The self-paced Planning the Garden workshop on CD provides the specific information you need to plan for the growing season to include: Seed selection, how much to grow, ordering from seed catalogs and buying seeds, how to make a garden map, companion planting, crop rotation, deciding on direct seeds vs. transplants, creating a seeding and planting calendar, succession planting and season extension techniques. I have taught this workshop on the farm every spring since 1995 and typically teach this session in person much later in the season than it is preferred for planning the garden.

What People Say About the Planning the Garden CD

“Your hot off the press resource CD arrived today, and I am really impressed and excited. I feel that it is exactly what anybody with a passion, some understanding but perhaps lacking in confidence (like me!), would be looking for when embarking on the first steps to home produce and self sufficiency.  As an educator, I think the level and tone is perfect. Starts with the basics so people feel comfortable, and upping the level as it goes through.”
    ~ Leroy / Padstow, Cornwall U.K.

“Thank you for making this, it has been educational and brought up quite a few things that I never thought of before.  I am sure this will help me make a better garden this year!”
    ~ Julie / Tahoe City, CA

“I gave the CD that I bought from you to the people that are developing a community garden with me.  We went through the workshop together as a group and we will all be better gardeners because of your willingness to share your knowledge.  It’s great! Thanks!”
    ~ Jenny / Tacoma, Washington

“Even though I’ve been gardening for many years, this was very informative.  Thank you for making this available.”
     ~ Becky / Ogden, Utah



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